[sr-dev] git:andrei/cdefs2doc: doc: cfg_list: support for generating docbook output

Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul andrei at iptel.org
Wed Feb 17 22:41:17 CET 2010

Module: sip-router
Branch: andrei/cdefs2doc
Commit: 34d34985de850287caf9f17fddeee015f0101f52
URL:    http://git.sip-router.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi/sip-router/?a=commit;h=34d34985de850287caf9f17fddeee015f0101f52

Author: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei at iptel.org>
Committer: Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei at iptel.org>
Date:   Wed Feb 17 22:31:43 2010 +0100

doc: cfg_list: support for generating docbook output

- make docbook will generate the cfg lists in docbook format
- make all will generate both txt and docbook
- generate docbook index file (cfg_var_list.xml)
- configurable output directories (txt_output_dir and


 doc/cfg_list/Makefile |   84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 1 files changed, 73 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/doc/cfg_list/Makefile b/doc/cfg_list/Makefile
index 881f735..9283a50 100644
--- a/doc/cfg_list/Makefile
+++ b/doc/cfg_list/Makefile
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ COREPATH=../..
 #include $(COREPATH)/Makefile.defs
+# output directory for generated txt files
+# output directory for generated docbook xml files
 # list of files contanining cfg defs in the following format:
 # <filename>:<cfg_grp_name> 
@@ -65,7 +71,7 @@ get_grp=$(strip $(if $(grp_f_$(call get_bname,$(1))), \
 						$(call get_listed_grp,$(1))) ) )
 # get target from file:grp (get_target(file:grp) => cfg_grp.txt)
-get_target=cfg_$(call get_grp,$(1)).txt
+get_target=cfg_$(call get_grp,$(1))
 define  mk_rules
@@ -73,17 +79,30 @@ $(call check_fname_grp, $(1))
 #$$(info generating cfg_$$(call get_grp,$(1)).txt: $$(call get_prereq,$(1)))
-$$(call get_target,$(1)): $$(call get_prereq,$(1)) Makefile $(CFG2TXT)
+$(txt_output_dir)/$$(call get_target,$(1)).txt: \
+								$$(call get_prereq,$(1)) Makefile $(CFG2TXT)
 	$(CFG2TXT) --file $$< --$(force_grp)grp=$$(call get_grp,$(1)) \
-		--gcc="$(gcc)"  > "$$@" ||  (rm -f "$$@"; exit 1)
+		--gcc="$(gcc)" --txt > "$$@" ||  (rm -f "$$@"; exit 1)
+$(docbook_output_dir)/$$(call get_target,$(1)).xml: \
+								$$(call get_prereq,$(1)) Makefile $(CFG2TXT)
+	$(CFG2DOCBOOK) --file $$< --$(force_grp)grp=$$(call get_grp,$(1)) \
+		--gcc="$(gcc)" --docbook > "$$@" ||  (rm -f "$$@"; exit 1)
+clean_$$(call get_target,$(1)).txt:
+	rm -f "$(txt_output_dir)/$$(call get_target,$(1)).txt"
+clean_$$(call get_target,$(1)).xml:
+	rm -f "$(docbook_output_dir)/$$(call get_target,$(1)).xml"
-clean_$$(call get_target,$(1)):
-	rm -f "$$(call get_target,$(1))"
+txt: $(txt_output_dir)/$$(call get_target,$(1)).txt
-all: $$(call get_target,$(1))
+docbook: $(docbook_output_dir)/$$(call get_target,$(1)).xml
-clean: clean_$$(call get_target,$(1))
+clean_txt: clean_$$(call get_target,$(1)).txt
+clean_docbook: clean_$$(call get_target,$(1)).xml
@@ -93,22 +112,65 @@ endef
 # GCC:TranslationUnit module, make all won't work)
 .PHONY: help
-	@echo "To regenerate $(foreach f,$(flist),$(call get_target,$f) )"
+	@echo "To regenerate $(foreach f,$(flist),$(call get_target,$f).{txt,xml})"
 	@echo "type: $(MAKE) all ."
 	@echo "or to regenerate all the cfg documentation by searching all"
 	@echo " the source files for definitions, type: $(MAKE) autogen ."
 	@echo "NOTE: you need the GCC:TranslationUnit perl module with an "
 	@echo "extra patch applied (see $(CFG2TXT) --patch)."
+.PHONY: txt
+.PHONY: docbook
+.PHONY: clean_txt
+.PHONY: clean_docbook
 .PHONY: all
+all: txt $(docbook_output_dir)/cfg_var_list.xml
 .PHONY: clean
+clean: clean_txt clean_docbook
+	@rm -f $(docbook_output_dir)/cfg_var_list.xml
 .PHONY: proper
-	@rm -f cfg_*.txt
+	@rm -f $(txt_output_dir)/cfg_*.txt
+	@rm -f $(docbook_output_dir)/cfg_*.xml
+	"git-$(shell  git rev-parse --verify --short=6 HEAD 2>/dev/null)"
+ifeq ($(repo_ver),git-)
+repo_ver="sip-router unknown"
+$(docbook_output_dir)/cfg_var_list.xml: \
+		$(foreach f,$(flist),$(docbook_output_dir)/$(call get_target,$f).xml)
+	@echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' >$@
+	@echo '<!-- this file is autogenerated, do not edit! -->' >>$@
+	@echo '<!DOCTYPE section PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"' >>$@
+	@echo '	"http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.2/docbookx.dtd">' >>$@
+	@echo '<book id="cfg_var_list"'\
+		'xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">' >>$@
+	@echo '	<title>RPC Exports List</title>' >>$@
+	@echo '	<info><revhistory><revision>' >>$@
+	@echo '		<revnumber>'$(repo_ver)'</revnumber>' >>$@
+	@echo '		<revremark>' >>$@
+	@echo "			Automatically generated by:">>$@
+	@echo "			$(MAKE) -C doc/cfg_list $(MAKECMDGOALS)" >>$@
+	@echo '		</revremark>' >>$@
+	@echo '	</revision></revhistory></info>' >>$@
+	@$(foreach f,$(flist),\
+		echo '		<xi:include'\
+			'href="'$(call get_target,$f).xml'"/>' \
+			>>$@ ; )
+	@echo '</book>' >>$@
 find_cfg_files_cmd= find $(COREPATH) -type f -name "*.c" \
 		-exec grep "cfg_def_t[	 ][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\[\][	 ]*=" /dev/null {} \; \

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