[Serusers] Mediaproxy | none of caller or called party is local

Adrian Georgescu ag at ag-projects.com
Wed Jun 16 14:41:50 CEST 2004


Mediaproxy is looking in From: and To: Make sure the domains of either 
user is in ser domain table

Example: For user 1234 at bt.com

serctl domain add bt.com



Hello List,

I am trying to set up the following senario -

[kphone A]-----------[ser/mediaproxy 
A]---------------------[ser/mediaproxy B]-----------[kphone B]

When I try to set up a call between the two ends, proxydispatcher 
complains that "none of the caller or called party is local. will not 
use mediaproxy".

I am not using DNS SRV at the moment - instead will be using the 
default unix socket.

Kphone A and B are registered respectively to ser/mediaproxy A and B 
respectively. Anybody has any hint where this thing might be failing? I 
tried to go through the code - but python is not one stronghold. How 
does the dispatcher decide whether "caller or called" party is local?

Thanks for your help,

Dhiraj Bhuyan
Network Security Specialist,
BT Exact Business Assurance Solutions

Tel:   +44 1473 643932
Mob:   +44 7962 012145
Email: dhiraj.2.bhuyan at bt.com

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