[Serusers] Parallel forking and reply error

Zappasodi Daniele dzappasodi at seltatel.it
Wed Jun 30 10:16:41 CEST 2004

Hi, all
I'm implementing a black list, the control access to the gateway and other
control policies and I have a problem with the call forking.
In case of a call that generates a parallel forking I want the capability to
select if accept or refuse the call for each single contact, but if the
first reply that I send to the caller is an error message 4xx, the UA caller
shuts down the call. 
What would I have to do to add my reject (caused by my access control
policy) to the call forking administration and so reply an error only if all
contacts can not be reachable?
I'm trying to implement a solution to reply an error only if all the
contacts can not be reachable. 
To do this thing I need to know the number of contacts that the lookup
function has found for the request-uri that is arrived ( Is it possible to
know if I have a single contact or a parallel forking?) and, if there are
more than one contact associated to the sip uri, how can I go to serve the
next contact in list without sending a reply for the destinations that I
have to block?
Any suggestion?

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