[Serusers] CANCEL handling

Bogdan-Andrei IANCU iancu at fokus.fraunhofer.de
Fri Oct 15 17:39:32 CEST 2004

Martin Koenig wrote:

>I just noticed that SER is not generating a 200 OK as reply for a CANCEL but
>rather a 200 cancelling.
yes...the rfc doesn't impose the reason phrase, just the code

>Then it is also generating a 487 Request cancelled what is supposed to be
>generated by the other end device reveiving the CANCEL.
SER does a hop-by-hop cancellation of the INVITE.

>How is this possible? Is this according to RFC3261?
yes, but this approach can generate race conditions (cancelling before 
the INVITE get to target UAS); on the other hand solves the problem with 
UASs that don't generate 487 for Cancels.


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