[Serusers] another dumb question

John O'Sullivan john at lincor.com
Thu Oct 21 17:08:56 CEST 2004

This time its about a problem I'm having with serweb. I think I've set
up everything correctly in config.php. But, I'm getting the following
error when I point my browser at serweb/admin:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class csub_not in
/var/www/serweb/config.php on line 6

Host information:
Debian unstable
Apache 1.3.31-6
MySQL 4.0.21-7
php4 4.3.9-1
php-pear-log 1.6.0-1

There are several php-mysql apps working on this box, such as
phpmyadmin. register_globals is on. I'm really stuck on this. help!


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