LVS, load balancing,and stickness was ==> Re: [Serusers] moreusrloc synchronization

Alex Vishnev avishnev at
Thu Apr 14 15:34:17 CEST 2005


Has anyone implemented something like this before? It looks like vrrpd is
relatively new (just judging by release numbering). Any experiences you can


-----Original Message-----
From: serusers-bounces at [mailto:serusers-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Klaus Darilion
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 6:49 AM
To: maka
Cc: serusers at
Subject: Re: LVS, load balancing,and stickness was ==> Re: [Serusers]
moreusrloc synchronization

AFAIK you can use it for active/standby scenarios, but not for 
active/active and global server distribution.


maka wrote:

> Wouldn't it be possible to use VRRP on teh SIP proxies to provide
> redundancy and loadbalancing? VRRP seems to be almost similar to
> cisco's HSRP and afaik it is available on linux via the vrrpd. I am
> just starting to get into it, but you could also check
> On 4/13/05, Klaus Darilion <klaus.mailinglists at> wrote:
>>My 2 cents:
>>1. Use SRV for load balancing. (Yes there are dumb devices, thus also
>>use A records) Probably this will cause problems with clients which does
>>not remember the IP address. The client has to remember the IP address
>>resolved by SRV lookups for all other requests. Once a request fails,
>>the client should repeat SRV lookup, choose a new server, reREGISTER and
>>stay with this server till the next failure.
>>2. Use dedicated outbound proxies which do NAT traversal. Of course you
>>have to be sure that all messages to a client has to be routed via the
>>same outboundproxy. This can be solved by implementing the Path: header,
>>or by modifiying the Contact: header in REGISTER requests to point to
>>the outboundproxy.
>>3. Use one ore more main proxies with the routing logic.
>>I don't like load balancers as they are a single point of failure and
>>SIP is not that easy to handle as HTTP.
>>Greger V. Teigre wrote:
>>>I agree that NAT should be resolved by the peers. I haven't looked at
>>>the forking proxy details; I assume it will do sort of a redirect for
>>>REGISTERs and INVITEs, so that everything thereafter is handled by each
>>>SIP server.  I still cannot really see how you solve the NAT
>>>problem,though. The public IP of the SIP server handling the first
>>>REGISTER will be the only IP allowed to send an INVITE to the UA, so if
>>>another UA registered with another server makes a call, the SIP forking
>>>proxy must make sure that the INVITE is sent through the SIP server
>>>having done the initial registration of callee.
>>>---- Original Message ----
>>>From: Alex Vishnev
>>>To: 'Greger V. Teigre' ; serusers at
>>>Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 06:20 PM
>>>Subject: RE: LVS, load balancing,and stickness was ==> Re: [Serusers]
>>>moreusrloc synchronization
>>> > Greger,
>>> >
>>> > I am not an expert on anycast as well. I just know it exists and
>>> > people are starting to look at it more seriously for HA option. That
>>> > is why I though DNS SRV records would be an easier solution.
>>> > Regarding your comments on NAT, I don't believe it is an issue as it
>>> > relates to forking proxy. Forking proxy should not resolve NAT, it is
>>> > a job for its peers. As for configuring SER as forking proxy, I
>>> > thought I read about it a while back, but now I can't seem to locate
>>> > it. I hope I was not dreaming ;-).
>>> >
>>> > In any case, I will continue to google around to see if SER has this
>>> > option.
>>> >
>>> > Sincerely,
>>> >
>>> > Alex
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > From: Greger V. Teigre [mailto:greger at]
>>> > Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2005 6:21 AM
>>> > To: Alex Vishnev; serusers at
>>> > Subject: Re: LVS, load balancing,and stickness was ==> Re: [Serusers]
>>> > moreusrloc synchronization
>>> >
>>> > Alex,
>>> > I'm not really knowledgable enough about anycast to say anything
>>> > useful.  The only is that in your described setup, I cannot really
>>> > see how you get around the UA behind restricted (or worse) NAT.
>>> >     I have never tried to configure SER as a forking proxy, but I
>>> > wouldn't be surprised if it was possible.
>>> > g-)
>>> >
>>> > ---- Original Message ----
>>> > From: Alex Vishnev
>>> > To: serusers at
>>> > Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 02:30 PM
>>> > Subject: RE: LVS, load balancing, and stickness was ==> Re: [Serusers]
>>> > moreusrloc synchronization
>>> >
>>> >> Greger and Paul,
>>> >>
>>> >> I think you understood me correctly regarding forking proxy. It is
>>> >> the proxy that will fork out the requests to all available peering
>>> >> proxies. This approach does not require stickiness based on Call-id.
>>> >> AFAIK, once the forking proxy receives an acknowledgement from one of
>>> >> its peers, then the rest of the session will be done directly to that
>>> >> peer without the use of the forking proxy. I am considering 2
>>> >> approaches to resolve availability of forking proxy. 1 - using
>>> >> ANYCAST (good high level article:
>>> >> 2 - using dns
>>> >> srv. I am still trying to determine if ANYCAST is a good solution for
>>> >> creating local RPs with forking proxy. However, I think that dns srv
>>> >> records can easily be implemented to allow simple round robin between
>>> >> multiple forking proxies. Thoughts?
>>> >>
>>> >> Alex
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> From: serusers-bounces at [mailto:serusers-bounces at]
>>> >> On Behalf Of Greger V. Teigre
>>> >> Sent: Monday, April 11, 2005 4:47 AM
>>> >> To: kramarv at
>>> >> Cc: serusers at
>>> >> Subject: LVS, load balancing, and stickness was ==> Re: [Serusers]
>>> >> more usrloc synchronization
>>> >>
>>> >> After my last email, I looked at ktcpvs and realized I ignored a
>>> >> couple of things: ktcpvs only supports tcp (http is obviously
>>> >> tcp-based, but I thought it supported udp for other protocols).  I
>>> >> don't know how much work implementing udp would be.
>>> >>     Here is a discussion of SIP and LVS that I found useful (though
>>> >> not encouraging).
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Paul: I'm starting to get really curious on the standard LVS
>>> >> components used for your stickiness!  I'm not aware (also after
>>> >> searching now) of an LVS balancing mechanism that allows correct
>>> >> stickness on SIP udp...!
>>> >> And I found other too who are looking for it:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> My understanding is that ipvs must be extended (according to the
>>> >> developer) with a call-id based scheduler and that this work has
>>> >> several people willing to fund development, but that this has not(?)
>>> >> started yet.  The problem is that ipvs is based on ip header analysis
>>> >> and extending the hashing algorithms to also include payload-based
>>> >> analysis is not straight-forward.
>>> >> g-)
>>> >>
>>> >>> With regards to stickiness: Have you looked at ktcpvs?  SIP is an
>>> >>> "http-like" protocol and I'm pretty sure that you can use the
>>> >>> http-based regex hashing to search for Call-Id.  If you cannot use
>>> >>> it right out of the box, I'm pretty sure the modifications are
>>> >>>     minimal. The user location problem: With a cluster back-end, I
>>> >>> also only
>>> >>> see save_memory() as the only option.
>>> >>> g-)
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> "Greger V. Teigre" <greger at> wrote:
>>> >>>>> Greger, thanks a lot.
>>> >>>>> The problem with load balancer is that replies goes to the wrong
>>> >>>>> server due to rewriting outgoing a.b.c.d . BTW, as Paul pointed,
>>> >>>>> if you define some dummy interface with Virtual IP (VIP), there
>>> >>>>> is no need to rewrite outgoing messages (I tested this a little).
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Yes, if you use LVS with direct routing or tunneling, that is what
>>> >>>> you experience.
>>> >>>> ===Of course. That why I implemented small "session" stickness.
>>> >>>> However, it causes additional internal traffic.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>  What I described was a "generic" SIP-aware load balancer where SIP
>>> >>>> messages would be rewritten and stickiness implemented based on ex.
>>> >>>> UA IP address (or call-id like vovida's load balancer).
>>> >>>> ====Sure, it's better solution; I think we'll go this way soon (in
>>> >>>> our next version).
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> Why DNS approach is bad (except restricted NAT - let's say I am
>>> >>>>> solving this)?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Well, IMO, DNS SRV in itself is not bad. It's just that many user
>>> >>>> clients do not support DNS SRV yet.  Except that, I like the
>>> >>>> concept and it will give you a geographical redundancy and load
>>> >>>> balancing. ===I am trying to build the following architecture:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> DNS (returns domain's public IP)->LVS+tunneling (Virtual IP)->ser
>>> >>>> clusters (with private IPs)
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>                                                                  DB
>>> >>>> (MySQL 4.1 cluster)
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> I guess, Paul utilizes load-balancer scenario you have described.
>>> >>>>> Believe there are only proprietary solutions for
>>> >>>>> "the-replies-problem". We tried Vovida call-id-persistence
>>> >>>>> package, unfortunately it didn't work for us.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Are you referring to the load balancer proxy? IMHO, the SIP-aware
>>> >>>> load balancer makes things a bit messy.  It sounds to me that the
>>> >>>> LVS + tunneling/direct routing + virtual IP on dummy adapter is a
>>> >>>> better solution.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> In my configuration I use shared remote DB cluster (with
>>> >>>>> replication). Each ser see it as one-public-IP (exactly the
>>> >>>>> approach you named for SIP). May be it's good idea to use local DB
>>> >>>>> clusters, but if you have more than 2 servers your replication
>>> >>>>> algorythm gonna be complex. Additional problem - it still doesn't
>>> >>>>> solve usrloc synchronization - you still have to use
>>> >>>>> t_replicate()...
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I'm not sure if I understand.
>>> >>>> ===Oh, probably I expressed myself not well enough...
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> So, you have 2 servers at two location, each location with a shared
>>> >>>> DB and then replication across an IPsec tunnel??
>>> >>>>     IMHO, mysql 3.23.x two-way replication is quite shaky and
>>> >>>> dangerous to rely on.  With no locking, you will easily get
>>> >>>> overwrites and you have to be very sure that your application
>>> >>>> doesn't mess up the DB.  I haven't looked at mysql 4.1 clustering,
>>> >>>> but from the little I have seen, it looks good. Is that what you
>>> >>>> use?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> ===We have 2 or more servers with MysQL 4.1 virtual server
>>> >>>> (clusters balanced by LVS). We use MySQL for maintaining
>>> >>>> subscribers' accounts, not for location. User location is still
>>> >>>> in-memory only so far. I am afraid I have to switch to ser 09 in
>>> >>>> order to use save_memory (thanks Paul!) and forward_tcp() for
>>> >>>> replication.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>> With regard to t_replicate() - it doesn't work for more than 2
>>> >>>>> servers, so I used exactly forward_tcp() and save_noreply()
>>> >>>>> (you're absolutely right - this works fine so far); all sers are
>>> >>>>> happy. Of course, this causes additional traffic. Interesting
>>> >>>>> whether Paul's FIFO patch reduces traffic between sers?
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> I believe Paul uses forward_tcp() and save_memory() to save the
>>> >>>> location to the replicated server's memory, while the
>>> >>>> save("location") on the primary server will store to the DB (which
>>> >>>> then replicates on the DB level).
>>> >>>> g-)
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Do you Yahoo!?
>>> >>>> Yahoo! Small Business - Try our new resources site!
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
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