[Serusers] SER : no voice between two local sip phones

Iqbal Gandham iqbal at gigo.co.uk
Sun Feb 6 22:38:22 CET 2005

it shouldn't not if its not going out, try sniffing on the ser server 
using something like tethereal or ngrep, and also in ur client look for 
debug..in xlite, there is a diagnostic log which can be shown, from here 
see if the register happens (seems like it does), and then the invites, 
and thne see if the voice strem is going to the correct place.


fauzi at aplio.com.my wrote:
> Hi Iqbal,
> The SER server is running on local private IPs. I've not configured to
> call outside from this IP, it's only connected in the same network. Those
> Sip phones are on the same LAN, Do you think that is got to do with NAT
> since it's not going outside from the LAN?
>>Are they on public private IP addresses, seems it could be a NAT problem,
>>usually is with no voice going through, look at nathelper + rtproxy or
>>use mediaproxy
>>On 2/5/2005, "fauzi at aplio.com.my" <fauzi at aplio.com.my> wrote:
>>>Dear all,
>>>I had installed the SER Server at our own LAN. I had two sip phones
>>>connected locally via LAN. Both units can dialed each other without any
>>>problems but there are no voice on these two phones. Can you advise me on
>>>this. Dialing using Ip without going to the server had no problem at all
>>>but not when it use the server.
>>>Serusers mailing list
>>>serusers at lists.iptel.org
> .

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