[Serusers] how to get TLS into free part of ser?

Jiri Kuthan jiri at iptel.org
Thu Feb 17 22:58:03 CET 2005

At 10:27 PM 2/17/2005, Juha Heinanen wrote:
>Marian Dumitru writes:
> > Also you can go for TLS, which is as concept basically the same thing 
> > IPSEC tunnels. The major difference is that TLS is not free as IPSEC
> > is.
>TLS not being part of free ser is indeed a problem.  i think it is the
>only feature mandated by rfc3261 that is not included in free ser.
>i fully understand that iptel needs to make money somehow in order to
>keep its developers on the payroll, but i feel that a mandatory feature
>should not be hold back.  there still is plenty of other value add that
>iptel can produce even if tls would be in public domain.

To be candid, the suggestion to release some of money-generating features
freely and begin working on some other money-generating feature is easier
said than executed.

>so what can be done about it?  the easiest thing would, of course, be
>that iptel changes its policy and makes their tls implementation as part
>of free ser.

I do not see that as feasible, at least not at short-term. The feature 
is commercially available to those with a compelling need for it.


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