[Users] [Devel] 'switch' statements

Juha Heinanen jh at tutpro.com
Mon Jul 11 20:52:52 CEST 2005

Daniel-Constantin Mierla writes:

 > It is similar with C 'switch' construct, but it uses 'sbreak' instead of 
 > C-'break', because in openser the keyword 'break' is already used for 
 > other meaning. I am not fully convinced whether to use this 'sbreak' 
 > keyword, or better 'esac' (shell-like), any better idea?

since the language is changing anyway, why not introduce "return" that
returns from a route block and then use break to beak from switch and
possibly other statements you come up with.  then semantics would be the
same as in c.

-- juha

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