[Serusers] Call Forwarding (No-Answer, Busy)

reticent tavis.lists at galaxytelecom.net
Tue Mar 29 21:48:14 CEST 2005

I've been attempting to implement some call forwarding (noans, busy) 
logic into my SER script without any luck

So far i've tried CPL (which doesn't seem to work at all for call 
forward busy and apparently doesn't work properly with no answer)
(I must say, CPL seems like an excellent feature. Its really a shame 
that many of its useful functions aren't yet supported in SER)

I've also tried setting the "fr_timer_avp" TM parameter from an AVP 
database and trying to forward the call once the timer expires, so far 
this has proven fruitless.

I'm curious if anyone has found a solution to this problem, or if it 

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