[Serusers] SER Reports "out of memory"

Greger V. Teigre greger at teigre.com
Mon May 30 22:48:01 CEST 2005

Jan Janak wrote:
> On 30-05-2005 21:56, Greger V. Teigre wrote:
>>> Database updates will not assume anything about the state of the
>>> database so it should not matter if the entry still exists / does
>>> not exists / has been modified..
>> I assume another ser server receiving an update must both write to
>> DB and do a t_replicate to other ser servers who then do
>> save_memory() as Paul responded in his last email to Karl?
>  t_replicate and save_memory will be necessary no more. Updates will
>  propagate through the database. You can use mysql cluster and then
>  all ser instances can be configured with the same table -- mysql
>  cluster can handle conflict resolution internally.

:-D Smashing!
How is the scenario handled that Karl sketched? One ser is updated with a 
usrloc that exists in another ser's memory.

>>> There is one drawback though -- nathelper as it is implemented right
>>> now will not work anymore -- we would need to rewrite it to use the
>>> contents of the database.
>> Are you referring to the ping feature only or are there other things
>> as well? Reading all NATed devices from DB every 30 seconds?
>  Yes, I am referring to the NAT pinger. We would need something that
>  would walk through the entries in the database and send ping packets
>  to those that are behind NAT.

Hm. And doing this efficiently...

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