[Users] nathelper natping OPTIONS packets formated to not get reply?

Glenn Dalgliesh glenn at routerboy.com
Sat Feb 25 18:33:54 CET 2006

Ok, I tested with standard natping with the received field with the default
format of sip:<ip address>:<port> and allow though some clients respond
differently to OPTIONS packet without username, in all cases I tested they
did respond. 

Unless you have other info I think we can leave this as is... 

Thanks for the help 
User_Agent	    		No Username			With
=============== 		=======================	===================

InstantVoice			Not Found		OK	   
eyeBeam 3004t 			OK			OK	   
X-Lite release 1103m		OK			OK	   
20a/050106				OK			OK	   
Asterisk PBX			OK			OK	   
Axon 1.06				Not Implemented	Not Implemented	   
Cisco ATA 186  v3.1.0		Not Found		OK	   
Cisco ATA 186  v3.2.0		Not Found		OK	   
FXS_GW (1asipfxs.107b)		OK			OK	   
FXSO_GW				OK			OK	   
Grandstream BT100	OK			OK	   
Grandstream HT386	OK			OK	   
Grandstream HT487	OK			OK	   
Grandstream HT487	OK			OK	   
Grandstream HT487	OK			OK	   
Grandstream HT496	OK			OK	   
Grandstream HT496	OK & No Such Call	OK & No Such Call

Linksys/PAP2-2.0.10(LSc)	Not Found		OK	   
Linksys/PAP2-2.0.12(LS)		Not Found		OK	   
Linksys/PAP2-3.1.3(LS)		Not Found		OK	   
Sipura/SPA2000-2.0.13(g)	Not Found		OK	   
Sipura/SPA2002-3.1.2(a)		Not Found		OK	   
Sipura/SPA2000-3.1.5		Not Found		OK	   
SJphone/1.50.271d (SJ Labs)	Method Not Allowed	OK	   
SJphone/1.60.289a (SJ Labs)	Method Not Allowed	OK	   
Welltech SipPhone V3.0	OK	OK	   
Welltech SipPhone V5809	OK	OK	 

-----Original Message-----
From: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu [mailto:bogdan at voice-system.ro] 
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 11:19 AM
To: Glenn Dalgliesh
Cc: users at openser.org
Subject: Re: [Users] nathelper natping OPTIONS packets formated to not get

Hi Glenn,

no problem :) just keep me up to date if indeed the lack/presence of 
username in the TO hdr makes any difference. As we are close to make a 
new release on 1.0.x branch, it will be a nice fix to have .


Glenn Dalgliesh wrote:

>Well I am feeling a little embarrassed at this point but it seems that my
>data may not have been exactly correct with regard to natpings not working
>without username in the TO field of OPTIONS packets. 
>First my original test scenario was to ngrep for OPTIONS packets generated
>from OpenSer and see if I was getting response without Username in the TO
>field. Then I would send an OPTIONS using sipsak thru openser and see if I
>got a reply. Based on this test it appeared that it was the lack of
>in the TO field. But then after recording results with my work round in
>place which rewrote the received field. I found that I was still not
>consistent results on replies to OPTIONS packets this lead me to start
>looking to see if the OPTIONS packets where ever reaching the dest...
>It turns out that the OPTIONS packets were not reaching the dest and it
>seems that the reason was that the Cisco router btw OPENSER and the
>was dropping a very high percentage of out bound packets under bursty
>situations such as hundreds of OPTIONS packets being sent to it at once. I
>have resolved this issues and now I am getting consistant results from the
>natping OPTIONS packets. 
>I will follow up with one more test which is to remove my work around
>related to the received field and retest the results. However, I will have
>to wait until I can test this after hours inorder to make this change. 
>Thanks and sorry for the bad data but as you can see it wasn't do to lack
>thought :)
>FYI: your patch did seem to added the natping FROM field to the TO field
>after I retest we can figure out if that is really necessary.

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