[Serusers] Please help with radius-ser mysql setup

Lokesh Kumar lokesh at interacesso.pt
Mon Nov 13 21:38:14 CET 2006

Hello List,


I had setup ser-0.9.6 and freeradius-1.1.3.


I am able to authenticate sip users via radius using entries in mysql
database, but unable to do group membership checking with mysql database,
but if I use users text file for group checking it works fine. The mentioned
below link have the logs and entries in mysql database. 


HYPERLINK "http://pastebin.ca/247613"http://pastebin.ca/247613 


As Mr. Greger suggested in previous post not to challenge options message
(second message) , for that I included one line in users file like


@mydomain.pt NAS-Port == 0, NAS-IP-Address == "", Auth-Type :=


And authentication works fine, is it right way to avoid challenging 2
options, or is it creating problem in group membership checking.


My radiusd.conf file has sql and files entries under authorize section in
the order of 




Please suggest something.


Thanks you very much



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