[SR-Users] binary name

Claudio Furrer elcaio at gmail.com
Wed Mar 23 14:33:26 CET 2011

> Hello,
> ser and sip-router flavours are completely the same, just different names for
> binaries and tools. Historically, being the initial project, ser stays the
> default flavour

I can't get different names for binaries and tools, ser flavour or
sip-router flavour give me always "sbin/ser" "sbin/sercmd" etc...

    $ make prefix=/ group_include="standard mysql" \
           include_modules=avpops \
           exclude_modules="rtpproxy nathelper ratelimit mediaproxy" \
           mode=debug all

    $ make prefix=/ BASEDIR=/tmp/sip-router install

Also tried the same but adding FLAVOUR=ser or FLAVOUR=sip-router. Same

Only by modifying the Makefile.defs, the flavour variable get a binary
name different. Flavour=ser give me ser* names, flavour=sip-router or no
one specified gives siprouter* names, then flavour=kamailio gives
kam* names.

I know it's a mess (with myself) but I have a concept misundertanding. I
interpret sip-router project has 2 names, kamailio and ser, but not its
own name (sip-router).
Then it's a matter of packaging issue which i have.

> Then, no matter which flavour you select, all modules are installed, so you
> can combine them, you need to be sure you create the database table structure
> specific for what modules you use.

Ok, i understand about modules and db. It's clear.

Thank you Daniel.


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