[SR-Users] Modules How To ?

Eng Hooda eenghooda at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 10 16:26:18 CEST 2016

Hello All,
I just started using kamailio last month , using basic configuration I got from online tutorials I got it to work.
Now I need to add functionality like offline messages delivery , searching lead me to msilo module , unfortunately I could not find a detailed tutorial of how to enable it and troubleshoot it's operation.

All what I managed to find was the official technical documentation.

It provides a list of parameters which has a default value , with no indication if the declaration of any of them is mandatory if the default values are kept intact.

also there is a route code which I do not know if it was mandatory to copy to kamailio.cfg .

Not to mention that the configuration file example contains lines that is already similar to what I already have , so which to keep and which to replace ?

That was a case to apply to , but general answers (with msilo as an example) that apply to all modules is what I need just to avoid having to ask again if I needed to enable another module.

Or may be there is something out there that I need to read first.

system details : {(OS:Debian8 i386),(Kamailio4.4 with mySQL , UDP only)}

Thank you all in advance.

Best Regards,
Eng Hooda

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