[SR-Users] registrar::save() does not save 'received' field of the 'location' table

Daniel-Constantin Mierla miconda at gmail.com
Tue Nov 20 16:09:54 CET 2018


don't really get it, is that received is stored only in one server and
not stored on the other one?


On 20.11.18 15:27, Andrey Deykunov wrote:
> Hi,
> We deploy kamailio in the cluster containing two nodes (Active and
> Passive). When Active node becomes Passive, our websocket clients
> continue sending REGISTER to this node. Passive node routes these
> requests to the Active node through the UDP, that causes the following
> warning message:
> 2018-11-14T04:43:31.070005-08:00 qapbx-ca1-1 kamailio[25597]: WARNING: <core> [core/forward.c:231]: get_send_socket2(): protocol/port mismatch (forced udp: <>, to ws: <>)
> Every registered client should be stored in the 'location': 
> $var(save_val) = save("location", 0, "sip:$au@$td");
> if ($var(save_val) <= 0) {
> xlog("L_ERR", "[$fU,R,$ci]: Registration saving failed, contact $ct");
> sl_reply_error();
> } else if ($var(save_val) == 3) {
> xlog("L_INFO", "[$fU,R,$ci]: Unregistration accepted. Login: $fU; ua:
> $ua; s-ip: $si; s-port: $sp; 3d parm: sip:$au@$td");
> } else {
> xlog("L_INFO", "[$fU,R,$ci]: Registration accepted. Login: $fU; ua:
> $ua; s-ip: $si; s-port: $sp; 3d parm: sip:$au@$td");
> }
> Log output of the Avtive node:
> 2018-11-14T04:43:31.063376-08:00 qapbx-ca1-2 kamailio[24722]: INFO: <script>: [54004221,R,ibca3ujmr0q81nn0l5puen]: REGISTER received with R-URI: sip:, ct: <sip:vu2o757j at si7ofk7i8cs7.invalid;transport=ws>;+sip.ice;
> reg-id=1;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:00ff4c8d-2a5e-4614-b80a-d7c14c0e41e3>";expires=600, cseq=1, s-ip:, s-port: 5060
> 2018-11-14T04:43:31.063947-08:00 qapbx-ca1-2 kamailio[24722]: INFO: <script>: Our node is active
> 2018-11-14T04:43:31.064323-08:00 qapbx-ca1-2 kamailio[24722]: INFO: <script>: [54004221,R,ibca3ujmr0q81nn0l5puen]: Authorization headers are empty in REGISTER command. Send 401 Unauthorized to
> 2018-11-14T04:43:31.285967-08:00 qapbx-ca1-2 kamailio[24716]: INFO: <script>: [54004221,R,ibca3ujmr0q81nn0l5puen]: REGISTER received with R-URI: sip:, ct: <sip:vu2o757j at si7ofk7i8cs7.invalid;transport=ws>;+sip.ice;
> reg-id=1;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:00ff4c8d-2a5e-4614-b80a-d7c14c0e41e3>";expires=600, cseq=2, s-ip:, s-port: 5060
> 2018-11-14T04:43:31.286564-08:00 qapbx-ca1-2 kamailio[24716]: INFO: <script>: Our node is active
> 2018-11-14T04:43:31.286943-08:00 qapbx-ca1-2 kamailio[24716]: INFO: <script>: [54004221,R,ibca3ujmr0q81nn0l5puen]: Registration accepted. Login: 54004221; ua: JsSIP 3.2.11; s-ip:; s-port: 5060; 3d parm: sip:54004
> 221 at qapbx-ca1.qaserverdata.net <mailto:221 at qapbx-ca1.qaserverdata.net>
> but in this scenario the save() method stores null value in the
> 'received' row. How can I fix it? 
> Thank you,
> Andrey
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Daniel-Constantin Mierla -- www.asipto.com
www.twitter.com/miconda -- www.linkedin.com/in/miconda
Kamailio World Conference -- www.kamailioworld.com
Kamailio Advanced Training, Nov 12-14, 2018, in Berlin -- www.asipto.com

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