[SR-Users] Dialog profile not defined

Gertjan Wolzak gertjan.wolzak at upcmail.nl
Sat Dec 5 09:50:29 CET 2020

Thanks again Sergiu,

/Hmmm... if dialog params are wrapped in a ifdef condition, then do you 
have something like #!define WITH_DIALOG at the top?/

But the #!define WITH_DIALOG is to choose between loading module 
parameters or not loading module parameters...

When you do not add #!ifdef WITH_XXX before the parameters and #!endif 
after, then those parameters will be loaded when starting Kamailio.

So, I still have the issue that the profile is not being loaded.

I have tried renaming the profiles, in the route and the parameters, but 
that does not make a difference..

# ---- Dialog params -------------
modparam("dialog", "default_timeout", 7200)
modparam("dialog", "db_mode", 0)
modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag", DLG_FLAG)
modparam("dialog", "hash_size", 4096)
#modparam("dialog", "detect_spirals", 1)
modparam("dialog", "profiles_with_value", "inbound ; outbound")

         #Add call to customer profile
         #Check if customer has not reached inbound call limit

         #Get max concurrent calls
         sql_query("cc", "select max_calls_in from calllimit where 
cust_id='$avp(custid)'", "ra");
         $avp(concurrent) = 0;
         get_profile_size("inbound", "$avp(custid)", "$avp(concurrent)");
         if( $avp(concurrent) >= $var(max) )
                 xlog("L_INFO"," Call limit reached for customer 
$avp(custid)\r\n ");
                 sl_send_reply("503", "No Lines Available");
     set_dlg_profile("inbound", "$avp(custid)");


But this still results in:

Dec  5 09:34:33 proxy01 /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[75755]: CRITICAL: 
dialog [dialog.c:391]: fixup_profile(): profile <inbound> not defined
Dec  5 09:34:33 proxy01 /usr/local/sbin/kamailio[75755]: ERROR: <core> 
[core/route.c:1166]: fix_actions(): fixing failed (code=-6) at 

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