[SR-Users] Log levels severely impacts performance

Jeremy Kister kamailio-01 at jeremykister.com
Thu Sep 15 21:59:13 CEST 2022

On 9/13/2022 10:18 PM, Amit wrote:
> Does anyone have any experience with this or have any suggestions? We 
> are finding it difficult to scale as a result of this issue.

I was just dealing with this behavior. I was logging to a local rsyslog 
and rsyslog was just writing to a file on a local ssd (unsynced).

It's a ton of log.  But meh.

I disabled syslog entirely and enabled log_stderror = yes

Then I just captured stdout+stderr via multilog and write it to a file 
on the disk.  The problem went away.

I think there is some huge overhead in the way kam packages up the log 
and sends it out to syslog.


Jeremy Kister

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